Women We Love Series: Serenity Hart, Founder of Sugared Beauty Bar

Serenity, founder of Sugared Beauty Bar, started the Women We Love Series as a way to connect with other hustlers in her community. We sat down with her for her very own session, to give you (our #sugatribe) the behind-the-scenes of her success from building her home studio, to opening her doors in Roslyn, NY.

Q&A with Serenity

So, Serenity tell us a little about yourself.

I moved to New York from England in 2015 after backpacking that summer all over Europe. But Home will always be Toronto. I'm a city girl, living in the suburbs now so it’s very different. I am a first-generation child of immigrant parents who are from Ghana and Guyana. They migrated to Canada when I was two years old. Community impact started with them, and from a small age, they always reminded me that it took a village. I took a break from school, where I studied sociology at the University of Toronto, to travel and find myself. That was the best decision I ever made. When I'm not in a studio, you can find me on my yoga mat at Luna & Soul Collective or having dinner with the hubs.

We heard you’re also an art model, what is that like?

I started art modeling in Toronto as a way to make some extra cash, not realizing that it was also a way for me to learn to love my body more. I struggled with body acceptance my whole life and It took standing in front of a camera, completely naked, to really see myself. No filter, no labels, just skin. Modeling also allowed me to travel around the world to do the work that I loved, which is still a thing today (when the world finally opens back up)!

How did you get into sugaring?

So here’s the short story - I was introduced to sugaring by a friend! He knew that I cared about the ingredients that I put on my body and thought sugaring was a great alternative to waxing. He was right! I wasn't in love with the spice, but I was obsessed with the process; it looks and feels like art. I got certified and then I opened my studio in my guest bedroom in February 2020, then closed my doors when the entire world shut down because of the global pandemic in March. After re-opening my doors at the end of June, things really started to pick up for me. After I saw my 300th client, I started to look for a new studio.

Tell us a little more about your side hustle.

Well, when I realized that my hands were my only source of income, I knew I needed to change that. The pandemic really made me think about my future in this business. If my doors were physically closed, how could I still have a positive impact in my community? I partnered with my mentor from Shaklee and haven't looked back. I was introduced to the Shaklee cleaning line and loved it. They have products that don’t make you cough or sneeze like the other brands, which is great for me because my asthma and allergies make my sensitivity to chemicals high. As a distributor, I am inspired to educate our community on how to incorporate safe products for their skin, home, kids, and overall health.

How is your work flowing today?

Oh, We are just getting started! Our doors officially opened in Roslyn, NY November 2020! We are now a team of three and looking to hire a second Sugarist for Spring 2021. We have the cutest boutique setup that I designed with our community in mind. I wanted a space that reflected somewhere you could come to relax and feel safe and heard. Inclusivity is very important to me. We are bright and sunshine on purpose, always reflecting the souls who enter. We now offer Reiki + Sound Healing in addition to sugaring and I'm looking forward to partner with other aestheticians in the future.

What’s next for Sugared Beauty Bar?

We have many creative things in the works! However, I’m most excited about patio season! We’ll be hosting weekly pop-up shops at the studio for other community members to share the spotlight! Stay tuned for more details to come!

If you want to know more about Serenity or think Sugared Beauty Bar is a space for you, reach out to us on Instagram, we’d love to have you as apart of our tribe! Serenity’s Instagram is @sugaredbeautybar for any more information.

Joshebel Ramlakhan

A writer and journalist dedicated to providing holistic health tips, tricks, and feel good stories that inspire you to live your best life. A student of the arts and storytelling, trying to remind you that the community you seek is what you make it. For more stories click here.


Women We Love Series: Rose, Resident Reiki Energy Educator at Sugared Beauty Bar


Reiki Radiance