Reiki Radiance

Explore energy with an open heart, notice what you experience.

Rei means “Universal”

Ki means “Life Force Energy“

Although most people cannot see Ki or Chi in Chinese, modern physics tells us that beyond the level of the smallest particles of matter, energy exists everywhere. It’s in the air we breathe, in our food and water, and in light from the sun. Even inanimate objects possess a low or slow frequency of energy.

Dr. Usui developed the five principles of Reiki, out of his recognition that ultimately we are all responsible for healing ourselves. He believed not feeling well and in balance is, first of all, a matter of attitude and of receptivity.

Five Principles of Reiki

Just for today, do not anger.

Just for today, do not worry.

Just for today, I will do my work honestly.

Just for today, I will honor every living thing.

Just for today, I give thanks for my many blessings.

People, he realized, may be ill because they worry because they are habitually angry and resentful because they persist in viewing themselves as separate from the rest of life. Because they deny their feelings and needs, or are too involved in focusing on what’s missing from their lives to appreciate what is there. Issues of worthiness lie at the very heart of one’s receptive ID. Since Universal Life Force Energy serves to activate the self-healing ability of each individual, a Reiki treatment is only as effective as an individual‘s willingness to be healed. Here is where these Five Principles work their magic.
When we are willing and open to receive healing, the practices of the Five Principles will then serve to align and integrate the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of our being.

What is Reiki?

Reiki, founded by Mikao Usui, is a Japanese technique that induces a relaxation response and promotes healing. Reiki (pronounced Ray Kee) translates to universal life force energy – the energy in and all-around living things. When this energy is blocked, it causes an in-balance often leading to discomfort and dis-ease. Reiki works by transferring this energy to oneself or another through gentle touch. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine classifies Reiki as a form of Energy Medicine.

According to NCC, reiki is salt for a wide variety of health-related purposes.

Examples include:

  • Effects of stress

  • Chronic pain

  • Recovery from surgery and anesthesia

  • Side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy

  • Lowering heart rate

  • Improved immunity

  • Mental clarity

  • Sense of well-being and/or spirituality

  • Enhancing a sense of peace in people

Reiki is truly an integrative therapy, it is not a substitute for medical treatment yet it compliments supports and enhances medical treatment.

How is it learned?

Reiki is taught by a person who has been initiated to all levels of Reiki and has been made named a Reiki Master Teacher. The beauty of Reiki is that everyone has the ability to learn and once “attuned” to the Reiki energy can start practicing on oneself or others. Explore Reiki Training offered by Rose.

How is it practiced?

Reiki can be administered anywhere – the person can be seated or lying down, fully clothed. The practitioners hands are placed along energy centers on the head, neck, upper torso, abdomen, legs, and feet. The person receiving may feel warmth, coolness, tingling or just deep relaxation.

What are the benefits?

Research on various types of energy work has shown that, in addition to deep relaxation, there can be a reduction in muscle tension and pain, accelerated with healing and a greater sense of health and well-being. Reiki is safe for advance to seniors and without negative side effects.

Reiki does not depend on the belief system of the learner or receiver. Reiki assists the person’s own innate ability to heal by restoring the body to balance on all levels - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Ultimately, one could be peaceful and more at ease with the use of Reiki.


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