From Morning Routines to Morning Rituals: 10 Ways to Charge Up Your Soul
It was just over a year ago, I sat on my first ever therapy couch as a patient. The months leading to that day were filled with so much joy and celebration. Newly married to my best friend and expecting our first child it goes without saying we were over the moon! Shortly after our nuptials and a beautiful honeymoon in paradise, we welcomed our first son. Delivery was tougher than to be expected, complications arose, but even so, baby was healthy and I was on my road to recovery. Together we made some well worth sacrifices and decided I'd be home to raise our son. I left the corporate healthcare field after nearly 10 years of service. I took on my wife and mother role full throttle determined to be the best for my husband and baby. I was living the life I had dreamed of as a girl and I didn’t want anything more.
“That day my therapist started our session with one simple, yet profound question, “what is your morning routine?”
I was so determined to feel myself again. I immediately started a healthy dieting plan, I was being a mom a wife and happy homemaker all while also embarking on a new business venture. I wanted to be readily available to my growing little family at all times, while also being a hardcore hustlin’ mom still earning an income. There was only one problem...I kept burning out. I did what I only knew how. To plow through life, juggling heavy loads of work and family, extended included, and my family was BIG. I couldn’t keep up. It was only a matter of time.
That day My therapist, who’s name was also Ashley, started our session with one simple , yet profound question, “what is your morning routine?” The silence in the room grew. My brain scrambled to find a response. She followed with, “well, what do you like to do?” “I recently picked up bullet journaling, I've taken a liking to that very much,” I responded, after another seemingly long pause. I was so nervous. She stayed quiet, staring at me like she was waiting for me to say more. I felt ...pressure. I felt like my problem just entered the room and took a big seat right on my chest. The only routine Id ever known was getting up and immediately start giving of myself. Mostly to my job, which you can probably relate to. Yes, I may have given early morning workout sessions a go in the past, in attempt to max out my schedule with even more places I needed to be and the occasional social outings(a girls gotta have fun) Burn out came knocking quickly! Grabbing a quick bite and a cup of joe is absolutely important in my morning routine, but this was not enough it just wasn’t cutting it. I didn’t feel alive and present.
It seems I was back in this place that I've been so many times before. You see, back then, I was able to bounce back with the quickness. I would push my body to the limit and then disappear for hibernation for a week or 2, sometimes, even a month. Yes, this was a strain on many relationships and jobs I've had but I was young, single, and childless. I had the stamina. Except this time My body had had enough! Once and for all, I was mentally and physically sick.
I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Severe Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Depression. Initially I felt defeated, but we were all built with a strength in us to survive, I just wasn’t fully aware of mine, yet. I committed days, weeks, months to discovering the things that would ignite me and prepare me for a life of pure satisfaction joy and accomplishment. I discovered that my mornings didn’t have to be so much of a routine. Instead I created my very own morning rituals. As a stay at home mom my days don’t look so much alike from day to day much less there is nothing routine about my life at all as a matter of fact. Even globally, our individual worlds have been thrown off of their systemic cycle. Many have experienced complete shit shows in their homes, feelings of complete chaos, essential workers not knowing if you’re coming or going. Homeschooling, working from home, feeding the pets, cooking dinner, making sure YOU actually eat, making sure you actually eat something HEALTHY. It was time I lived intentionally and tend to my individual needs.
These 10 morning rituals happen to be some of my most soul reviving moments. They raise me higher, and have also pulled me out of some funky mornings. You know the kind where you slept maybe a wink because the worries don’t shut off, or your pet bugged out during last nights storm, or your baby is teething or sick. See the thing is we, our human bodies, need a recharge. Our Mind body and spirit together function best when we tend to them wholly. Below you’ll find just the way I make that happen for a day of connection and accomplishment from sun up to sun down starting with:
Going for a stroll. I don’t mean this with intention to “work out.” We’ve just welcomed summer and nature wants to be felt, heard, smelled, and just overall experienced. Stepping out of a familiar space, especially after being stuck inside for some time, brings the feeling of adventure expanding your mind to possibilities. This is a natural high of emotions leaving your mind open and ready for what your day can and WILL throw your way.
Listen to a good podcast- There’s so many podcasts we can pick from these days. Theres really something for everyone out there. I specifically turn to podcasts that I can relate to in this stage in my life. I turn to Rachel Hollis’ show “RISE” for some personal development and On the mornings I need some spiritual and emotional guidance I refer to Natalie Miles’ “Do You Think You’re Intuitive” podcast which often include some great meditations that I love. Definitely helps ease my more uneasy mornings.
Turn on your favorite music playlist- In case you haven’t realized yet, MUSIC.IS.MEDICINE. Truthfully all forms of art are. Clubs may be closed for now, if that was your jam, but until the doors open up pick your favorite tune and “pump up the jam.” if you have kids, this is a great ritual to introduce to them as well. I don’t tell anyone what to listen to because we all have different preferences but for this particular purpose I encourage you to listen to whatever lifts your spirits rather than dim your joy.
Moisturizing Self Body Massage! I usually do this playing some music as well. Actually most of my rituals have music playing in background come to think of it. This can be done after you’re morning shower, or if you’re like me and shower at night you can dive right in before getting dressed in the AM. Simply grabbing your favorite moisturizer Starting from your face (use your facial moisturizer here of course) down to your toes, you’re going to run your hands your entire body, to the best of your ability, while thanking your body for keeping you alive and well thus far in your life. The result is a mind and body connection that will have you feeling tenderly loved and ready for whatever comes your way.
While you’re at it, strut yo’ stuff! Yes! After that moisturizing sesh give yourself permission to walk in your glory. Continue onto your next morning task wearing nothing but the beautiful skin God gifted you with. There is a goddess waiting to be unleashed in all of us. All layers lifted and there is nothing to weigh you down. Prep your coffee, stand in front of that mirror, and sip sip queen. You are flawless!!!!
Hydrate! This is super important for your overall function. If you’re not hydrated, you’re feeling sluggish and drained along with a slew of other medical side effects. No water means no energy and no energy means zero productivity. We must always be conscious of our water intake. This is my ultimate struggle, but we always aim high! Starting with at 16oz serving first thing is one sure way to make sure you continue hydration throughout the day. Its ok to forget but Remember! always aim high.
Cleanse your aura! I began doing this for myself a year ago as well and the significant shifts I've noticed in my life have kept me coming back to this ritual just about daily. This can be done with palo santo, sage, Florida water, or incense any and all will do. You do not need all to perform your cleanse. You can grab any of these in your local botanica, Apothecary, or spiritual healing store. Once again you can have some music playing my spirit tends to like more soothing sounds. I typically work with palo santo, sage, and incense sticks. Each of these are lit with a flame and blown out to generate smoke. You want to pass this smoke over your head and around your body as you envision it clearing any unwanted energy that is around or may have clung to you. We all contain our own energy fields and yes sometimes we can just be feeling “off”. This gives off a “vibe.” vibe being short for vibration which do stick to your aura. You want to cleanse first thing in morning to serve as a shield of protection from you to others and vis versa. Spiritual cleanliness is also self-love.
Personal Oracle Deck/Tarot Card Reading. If you didn’t know, you do NOT need any special requirements or skills to perform a reading on yourself. We are all spiritual beings given the ability to tap into our inner knowing, our intuition for our life’s questions. Deja Drewit’s Personal Power Oracle Deck has returned some of the most beautiful guidance in some deep times of healing for me. Her cards are hand drawn and super detailed. I won't lie. When I first started, I was skeptical but I promise you tapping into your intuition is like going to the gym. The more you do it the sharper you get. It’s never too late to begin that deep relationship with yourself.
Journaling. I’ve had a lot of people tell me, “I’m not a writer,” when I recommend this as a method to unclog the that I say, you do NOT need to be a writer to journal. You can get a journal and just write a list of the emotions you feel daily to start. Initially I kept a mood tracker in my journal. This helped me get a better grasp of any possible hormonal shifts that could be causing my shifts or if I just needed to write out an emotional experience, I needed to get off my chest. Essentially, it’s a documentation of your spiritual and emotional status. Private for your own eyes. You can share its contents if you wish with your therapist, health coach, or friends for that matter. However, the true effects of journaling are best felt when you pour your deepest burdens on the page. Out of your mind and on the paper and your intention always set to release whatever doesn’t serve you in your life anymore!
Last but not least Sleep In! My favorite ritual of all. You may be wondering, “UM Ashley? How is this a ritual?” well, have you ever woken up and thought, “ugh, man, if only I could get more sleep!” Well one morning I decided to honor my body’s queue. I didn’t fight my urge. I I surrendered my need to rush up and begin my race of a day. So many times I'm ACTUALLY able to hit the snooze button but I somehow convince myself i’m lazy for doing this on the day that I need it most. You see these rituals are all about giving your body and soul everything it needs to run smoothly.
Your Rituals don’t need to look like mine or like anyone elses for that matter. These are all holistic approaches that consistently and continuously help restore my mental balance which then waterfall into all the other roles/areas in my life. We all deserve and even more so, NEED a strong Recharge game. After all, they say, when your mind is right, everything else follows.
— Ashley O.