5 Steps to Realign: Self-Care Rituals

Self-Care Rituals for Mental Health Awareness Month and Beyond

Mental health, something that is essential to living your happiest and best life. Although it is very important, people tend to shy away from the conversation. Well, not here. Let’s start the conversation and learn about how to pamper yourself and your health with these easy steps.

Rest your routine

Mental health has a lot to do with your space and surroundings. Allow yourself time to fit in a few steps every morning and night to care for yourself by implementing self-care rituals. That could be making your bed every morning, having a cup of your favorite beverage, or nurturing with nature.

Set aside a budget

This may sound a bit extreme, yet manifesting money starts with your relationship with it. Whether it be $5 or $50 a month, allow yourself an opportunity to have a special day or activity to invest in yourself. That brings along our next step, treating yourself. 

Treat yourself

This is essential. Whether it be buying a nourishing gift or enjoying a day of love at Sugared Beauty Bar, allowing self-care brings self-love. Know that it is important to take care of yourself and re-charge your energy.

Make space for downtime

Start to implement quiet time, and notice the change. Start a meditative practice, eat your favorite snacks, take a nap, or start a show that you're interested in and make time for an episode (or season if you need it) a day! If you are searching for comical relief, Schitts Creek is a Sugared Beauty Bar Team suggestion. 

Start a passion project

What have you always dreamed of doing? Notice what sets your soul on fire and follow your heart.

When do you feel in flow?

We want to know! Share your deepest desires in the comments to set your dreams in motion.

Nicole Mastellone

Meet Nicole, our author and peer editor behind the scenes of our new blog 'The Honey', curator of our TikTok content + wizard of all things trending.


Like Beauty, Wellness Isn’t a Straight Line


Women We Love Series: Renée Marie, Sunshine Design