2023 Horoscopes: What’s In Store For You

2023 has begun, marking the start of our physical new year! Placed perfectly during Capricorn season, the physical New Year empowers us with Capricorn’s boss-like, “get shit done” energy. This energy is what influences us to set resolutions and goals for the year ahead as we start to think about our finances, health, career, relationships, and more!

While the astrological new year won’t start until the sun enters Aries on March 21st, this is a great moment to reflect on the past calendar year and to check in on what energetics lie up ahead. 

Based on your rising sign (you can look to your sun & moon placements too), you might be feeling the below coming out of 2022 and heading into 2023:

Aries - Closing out 2022, you might be thankful or reflecting on an unexpected but destined event related to your personal finances. This also could’ve been a sudden burst of motivation toward making more money or acquiring new assets. As we head into 2023, you will inherently be more lucky this year as Jupiter (the planet of good luck/fortune) transits your first house through May. You are definitely one of the main characters in 2023 so expect some blessings along with deep growth and healing!

Taurus - OMG! Are you ok Taurus? 2022 has been a YEAR for you. There have been a lot of unexpected events putting you out of your comfort zone but this year you’ll start to feel that weight lifted off your shoulders. We’ve experienced some crazy transits in Taurus this year right over your first house of self. These transits will continue to make an impact through the first half of this year but in May, expect some blessings coming your way once Jupiter enters Taurus. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Gemini - Your connection to spirit was strong this year Gemini as heavy transits impacted your 12th house. You might’ve even felt that you had a spiritual awakening this year or deepened your connections with your guides. As Saturn moves into Pisces in 2023, expect a mature level-up in your career. You could get a raise, promotion, new job, or find that you change careers completely this year!

Cancer - Drama amongst friends or groups might’ve been present for you starting late this summer but it’s all going to come to a close in 2023, Cancer! You are likely experiencing some good luck attributed to your career right now (and if you haven’t yet Jupiter’s transit to your career house lasts through May so expect the best!). Now through May is a great time to manifest growth in your career. 

Leo - My Leo rising friends, I know you’ve been feeling restricted in the relationship world the last two years and you might be growing frustrated or impatient. In March, this energy will lift as Saturn enters Pisces so you only have a few more months on some relationship-focused lessons, growth, and maturity. This year might’ve felt like a career roller coaster but the ride will start to end around May as Jupiter enters your 10th house of career. You can expect positive career growth, expansion, and an abundance of opportunities in your career in the last half of 2023. 

Virgo - 2022 was likely a lighter year for you lesson-wise. There may have been one or two here or there but no drastic big life lessons leaving you feeling refreshed and ready for what 2023 has in store. 2023 will bring some maturity surrounding your relationships as Saturn enters Pisces in March. You might move in with your partner, get engaged, married, or enter a serious business partnership this year!

Libra - This past year brought you some unexpected lessons surrounding shared finances (i.e., taxes, marriage, investments, etc.). Whether you received an unexpected windfall of money or someone came after you for some money, there are some more profound lessons to be learned about how you manage your finances moving forward. In 2023, there will be a lot of luck centered around your relationships in the first half of the year! Expect long-term relationships in your life to deepen and expand through May. Starting in March, you may refine your daily routine!

Scorpio - The last year might’ve felt pretty heavy for you at times, Scorpio. While you’re consistently challenged with the power of transformation throughout this lifetime, it’s not easy when an eclipse cycle and nodal transits hit your first house of self and 7th house of relationships. You might be going into 2023 feeling like you’ve learned a lot about yourself and your relationships over the last year. These themes will close out toward the end of 2023 as the last eclipses take place in Scorpio & Taurus. 

Sagittarius - You might’ve experienced a sudden change in your health our daily routine this year. Your adventurous energy will feel revived again, especially in your romantic life once Mars stations direct later this month. Jupiter is hitting your house of dating/romance, creativity, and children through May. You may give birth to a new idea or project, start a new romantic relationship, or get pregnant during this time! 2023 will be a great time for you to start a business if you’ve been considering it. 

Capricorn - Since 2008, you’ve had Pluto transiting your 1st house of self bringing heavy transformation to who you are. You may not recognize who you’ve become and that’s a good thing! In March, you’ll experience the first bit of relief as Pluto transits into Aquarius. While it will retrograde back into your first house by June, this year for you will be a lot about self-reflection and mapping out the next pieces of your journey. You’ll have good luck this year in your home & family life. If you’ve been looking to start a family or business, the second half of this year has great astrology for you to do so. 

Aquarius - You might’ve experienced unexpected or chaotic energy in your home and family life in 2022 with lessons tapping your career house as well. These lessons will begin to close themselves out this year, providing you with a sense of release and relief. While you might not feel it yet Aquarius, 2023 is going to be a big year for you. Pluto will enter your first house of self for the first time in March, which will kick-start a 25-year process of self-transformation. It won’t all culminate at once but the underlying self-revolution is present for you. 

Pisces - You might feel pulled between wanting to understand and wanting to master coming into this year, which marks perfect timing for some spiritual transits that will deepen your connection with your guides. Pluto is going to enter your 12th house of spiritual connection in 2023 and while it will dip in and out before it stays for 25 years in 2024, you’ll continue to be drawn toward connecting with your guides. You’ll experience immense luck for the first half of this year in your 2nd house of finances as Jupiter transits there through May. Post Mercury RX (after January 18th) will be a great time to make an investment in a new asset you’ve been considering. 

I could go on for DAYS about each sign's annual horoscope but I hope this gave you some brief insight into some of the present energy and what’s to come! The end of a calendar year is also a great time to check in on your solar return for the year. Solar returns are what some of us astrologers consider an individual's new year. Solar returns are when the sun returns to the exact degree as the moment you were born. Your Solar Return chart shows the energy, themes, and lessons that are present in your year. I’ll go into more detail on solar returns in a future blog post but these charts are the best to look at when setting your annual goals!

Wishing you all a happy and healthy new calendar year! Until next time. 



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