Women We Love Series: Tracy, The Pioneer of “Digital Feng Shui”

Meet Tracy , a Wellness Consultant who, over the past year has pioneered a new holistic approach to balancing digital spaces for optimized wellness. As a Feng Shui consultant, Tracy’s mission is balance, something we can all benefit from in our everyday lives.

Q&A with Tracy

Tracy, what do you do?

“I work 1 on 1 with clients as well as corporations doing speaking engagements, talking about the nexus of yoga philosophies, Feng Shui, and digital wellness.”

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese balance practice that translates directly as wind and water. Feng is the wind, Shui is the water. The idea is that those are the two forces that shaped the Earth. Feng Shui is looking at, ‘what are the energetic forces that shaped the spaces we are trying to inhabit?’ Overall Feng Shui is about balance and peace.

Can you share an example of something people do in their office space that is considered ‘bad’ Feng Shui and advise on how we can overcome these challenges?

When people face their backs to the door of their office it creates an energetic tension from a feelings of uncertainty or worry. It is recommended to place your desk in a position that puts you in view of the door so you can see who may be entering or exiting. This will help you feel safer and more secure in your office.

What is Digital Wellness/Digital Laundy/Digital Feng Shui?

I created “Digital Laundry” when I realized how my clients approached their tech spaces. The idea that they could keep everything [in their space] and it would never cause them any issues eventually caused them immense stress, especially when they tried to find a file on their computer or searched through some old history. I was trying to come up with the right metaphor for how important it is to set aside time seasonally, monthly, or even weekly to look at the digital blueprint or footprint that you have created and actually clean it up. I started to think, this is just like doing laundry!

Take a listen to the rest of the video to hear some more talk about Tracy and her perspective on living in a demanding digital world while leaning into your intuitive balance.

To learn more about Tracy’s work visit her website and give her a follow on Instagram.

Heather Lacerra

Meet Heather, SBB's go-to skincare connoisseur. A licensed esthetician in NYC since 2017, ready to share her expertise and passion for all skin related goodness. From facials to hair removal she's here to spill "the honey."


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